
2007年夏季,暫別轉換經營型態的「非常廟藝文空間」(VT Artsalon),風塵僕僕赴蘇格蘭高地Glenfiddich酒廠進行三個月的藝術家駐村。蘇格蘭高地的自然風光喚醒了我許多往日回憶,索性以單純的紙筆,描寫了這二年來的生活點滴,包括泡湯、品茗、爬山、賞花、下棋、聽濤等活動所觸發的感想,參考我個人推崇的幾位變形主義畫家,如晚明的陳洪綬、吳彬、陸信忠,清朝的周淑禧、丁雲鵬,以及中國歷朝傳統山水大家,如: 范寬、董源、李成、沈周、龔賢、王鑑等人為構圖參考範本,再結合個人生活經驗進行變奏,而刻畫出奇異的現代山水畫。畫面中設定的人物主要是由犬儒者與魔鬼共同組成,影射了面對目前台灣混亂的社會環境,所想像出往昔文人被流放邊陲的虛構情節,以印度粗糙手工紙配合「春蠶吐絲」綿密硬筆法、蘇格蘭花紋以及金箔填補空白等手法,混雜勾勒出我心中遁入自然山水隱居的終極嚮往,可視為個人日記式的世局感懷,也可寥表多年來頗欲退隱江湖的綺想之作。


Embraced by the natural surrounding of Scotland , I recall my past memories bit by bit. Using the ball-pan and Hand-made paper, referencing from my adored traditional Chinese landscape masters and combining personal residency experience in Glenfiddich, I depict my past-two-year life into bizarre modern landscapes. The characters in my paintings are basically composed of Cynic and Devil. Not only creating the fictions of the past literates who were banished to the border area but also using a brush style as silkworm spinning and attaching gold foils, I try to draw my ultimate dream of being a recluse who live in a pure nature.








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